This deal is only valid for Saturday, August 3rd!
Click HERE to load your digital Qpons

Add the following Qpons to your account(s):
Save $5 when you spend $25
Save $1.25 Sparkle Paper Towel
Save $1.00 Scott Paper Towel
Save $1.00 Cottonelle Bath Tissue
Save $2 Gain Liquid Detergent
Save $2 Purex
Save $1 Tide Simply
Save $.50 Dawn
Add the following to your cart:
Sparkle Paper Towel $5
Scott Paper Towel $5
Cottonelle $4
Gain 40oz $3.95
Purex Pods 15ct $2.95
Tide Simply Pods 13ct $2.95
Dawn Ultra Dish Soap $2.50
Subtotal: $26.35
Put your telephone number in at checkout to deduct your digital Qpons
= $12.60 for all items!

Add the following Qpons to your account(s):
Save $5 when you spend $25
Save $2 Gain Flings
Save $2 Purex
Save $1 Tide Simply
Save $.50 Dawn
Save $5 on two Febreze ONE Products
Save $.50 Dawn Dish Soap
Add the following to your cart:
Purex Pods 15ct $2.95
Tide Simply Pods 13ct $2.95
Dawn Ultra Dish Soap $2.50
(2) Febereze Air One $5 each
Arm & Hammer Power Paks $3.95
Gain Flings $3.95
Subtotal: $26.30
Put your telephone number in at checkout to deduct your digital Qpons
= $8.80 for all items!

Add the following Qpons to your account(s):
Save $5 when you spend $25
Save $2 Purex
Save $1 Tide Simply
Save $.50 Dawn
Save $2 Gain
Save $1 Scott Paper towel
Save $1.50 Angel Soft
Save $1 Cottonelle
Add the following to your cart:
Purex Pods 15ct $2.95
Tide Simply Pods 13ct $2.95
Dawn Ultra Dish Soap $2.50
Scott Papertowel $5
Angel Soft Bath Tissue $5
Cotonelle Bath Tissue $4
Gain Liquid Detergent $3.95
Subtotal: $26.36
Put your telephone number in at checkout to deduct your digital Qpons
= $12.35 for all items!

Add the following Qpons to your account(s):
Save $5 when you spend $25
Save $2 Purex
Save $1 Tide Simply
Save $1 Scott Paper towel
Save $1.50 Angel Soft
Save $1 Cottonelle
Save $4 on TWO Kotex
Add the following to your cart:
Purex Pods 15ct $2.95
Tide Simply Pods 13ct $2.95
Scott Paper towel $5
Angel Soft Bath Tissue $5
Cotonelle Bath Tissue $4
(2) U by Kotex products $3.25 each (tampons or liners)
Subtotal: $26.40
Put your telephone number in at checkout to deduct your digital Qpons
= $10.90 for all items!